Spannende Neuigkeiten: FocuSee wird Mitglied der iMobie-Familie!
Haben Sie den wahren Grund für die niedrigen Aufrufzahlen Ihrer Bildschirmaufnahmen entdeckt?
Verabschieden Sie sich von Unschärfen, erstellen Sie mühelos 4K-Videos.
Perfekte Kompatibilität mit Windows und Mac.
Automatische aufnahme Von bildschirmen, selfies und kommentare.
Erstellen Sie sofort beeindruckende Videos, ohne manuelle Bearbeitung.
Nehmen Sie einfach wie gewohnt Ihren Bildschirm, Ihr Selfie und Ihr Voiceover auf. FocuSee folgt automatisch der Cursorbewegung, wendet dynamische Zoomeffekte an, platziert einen schönen Hintergrund und generiert ein professionell aussehendes Video, das sofort verwendet werden kann. Sparen Sie wertvolle Stunden und zusätzlichen Aufwand bei der Videobearbeitung.
Generieren Sie automatisch Untertitel für Ihre Videos und bearbeiten Sie sie nach Bedarf, um 100 % Genauigkeit zu gewährleisten.
Wählen Sie das Selfie- und Bildschirmlayout aus, das am besten zu Ihrem Zweck passt: nebeneinander, überlagert oder nur auf dem Bildschirm.
Erzielen Sie natürliche Bewegungen in Videos mit Bewegungsunschärfe. Machen Sie Ihre Videos kinoreifer und visuell ansprechender.
Erstellen Sie individuelle Presets für Einstellungen wie Zoom, Cursor, Hintergrund und wenden Sie sie mit einem Klick an.
Fügen Sie Ihrem Video ein Wasserzeichen hinzu, um die Markenidentität zu stärken und den Urheberrechtsschutz zu gewährleisten.
Trimmen, schneiden, beschneiden, beschleunigen oder verlangsamen Sie bestimmte Teile. Gestalten Sie Ihr Video prägnant und klar.
Passen Sie Ihr Erscheinungsbild mit Kamerarahmen und Filtern an. Spiegeln Sie Ihren individuellen oder Markenstil wider.
Fügen Sie einen Hintergrund hinzu, passen Sie abgerundete Ecken an, legen Sie Schatten, Einschub und Abstand fest. Machen Sie Ihr Video fesselnder.
Wählen Sie aus voreingestellten Seitenverhältnissen für verschiedene Plattformen wie YouTube, Twitter, TikTok usw. Alle Animationen und Effekte werden für das beste Erlebnis automatisch entsprechend angepasst.
Exportieren Sie Ihre Inhalte als atemberaubende Videos bis zu 4K oder als hochwertige GIFs und bieten Sie so die Flexibilität, sich an Ihre spezifischen Anwendungsfälle und Zielgruppenpräferenzen anzupassen.
Verabschieden Sie sich von teurem Outsourcing, komplexer Bearbeitung und stundenlangem Aufwand. Mit FocuSee können Sie professionell aussehende Videos in weniger als einem Zehntel der Zeit, des Aufwands und der Kosten erstellen.
Entdecken Sie die erstaunlichen Videos, die FocuSee-Nutzer für verschiedene Zwecke erstellt haben: Demos, Produkteinführungen, Promos, Tutorials und mehr.
Joanna He@joanna_jingke_he
It is painful and time-consuming to record a product demo, edit it, write the script, and record the voiceover. With FocuSee, everything for the product demo can be done in one place. Plus, you get different types of social media versions with one shot.
It would be even better if the video could be turned into a walkthrough blog or documentation, further extending the use cases of a demo walkthrough video into written content.
John P@pvpiano
I just purchased, I did a recording for a demo for a client. UI is good, very easy to use. I did not even have to make any adjustments at all; I only did a cursor effect change. Love the product. Yes I already have screenrun, but wanted to invest with FocuSee as well. My only question @inc_gemoo is, do you have the upgrade pricing for V2, and how soon do you think it will be for the release?
Thembelihle Xulu@thembelihle_xulu
Love this, as it's the only recorder that comes with the auto zoom effects to my knowledge for Windows. Thanks to the FocuSee team for making it possible.
Kiame Lavado@kiame_lavado
This will help me a lot when it comes to editing and provide a high quality
admin ACS@admin_acs
It feels good and is lightweight on resources which is good. I look forward to adding it in to the tool box for quick hows to clients. Nice discount to take advantage off.. :-)
Deepanshu Sharma@deepanshusharmx
FocuSee is a super useful tool..
enedie cablaida@enedie_cablaida
It's amazing screen recorder app that really help for video editing, create tutorial, and product demo videos for promo and sales. This is so awesome and convenient and as user friendly.
Rami Borni@ramiborni
I really was looking for something like that, since no one included track cursor movement for windows!
Jv Shah@JvShah124
I would definitely try my luck 😅 since FocuSee is the best in Town Recorder 🤩
Tyler Ervin@tyler_ervin
Beautiful. Such a time saver - especially for those of us in early / launch stages where time and resources are precious.
Ziki | Creator | Notion Formulas Geek@ziki
"This is honestly a great product. Just tested the free version, and I love it. I was looking for an app that would allow me to create videos like that with minimal editing skills and couldn’t find one for Windows. This was exactly what I was looking for."
its very graceful and useful screen record tools
Rotenda Tshivhase@rotenda_tshivhase
Have been using FocuSee for a week now. Just like it, the screen recorder is super easy to use, slick and speedy.
Shunsuke Sakata@shun_skt_93
I usually use loom or arcade for the product video but must try this!
The SamurAI@samuraipreneur
"I use FocuSee myself, and couldn’t be happier about it. Saves me a lot of time, and the recordings gets very good 👍🏼"!
shivam srivastava@shivam_srivastava9
i just tried this tool and all i can say is "Amazing" so easily it is converting a normal screen video into a productive video hand off to the devs🙌
mori | Notionxマーケティング@morio_aa
Joanna He@joanna_jingke_he
It is painful and time-consuming to record a product demo, edit it, write the script, and record the voiceover. With FocuSee, everything for the product demo can be done in one place. Plus, you get different types of social media versions with one shot.
It would be even better if the video could be turned into a walkthrough blog or documentation, further extending the use cases of a demo walkthrough video into written content.
John P@pvpiano
I just purchased, I did a recording for a demo for a client. UI is good, very easy to use. I did not even have to make any adjustments at all; I only did a cursor effect change. Love the product. Yes I already have screenrun, but wanted to invest with FocuSee as well. My only question @inc_gemoo is, do you have the upgrade pricing for V2, and how soon do you think it will be for the release?
Thembelihle Xulu@thembelihle_xulu
Love this, as it's the only recorder that comes with the auto zoom effects to my knowledge for Windows. Thanks to the FocuSee team for making it possible.
Kiame Lavado@kiame_lavado
This will help me a lot when it comes to editing and provide a high quality
admin ACS@admin_acs
It feels good and is lightweight on resources which is good. I look forward to adding it in to the tool box for quick hows to clients. Nice discount to take advantage off.. :-)
Deepanshu Sharma@deepanshusharmx
FocuSee is a super useful tool..
enedie cablaida@enedie_cablaida
It's amazing screen recorder app that really help for video editing, create tutorial, and product demo videos for promo and sales. This is so awesome and convenient and as user friendly.
Rami Borni@ramiborni
I really was looking for something like that, since no one included track cursor movement for windows!
Jv Shah@JvShah124
I would definitely try my luck 😅 since FocuSee is the best in Town Recorder 🤩
Tyler Ervin@tyler_ervin
Beautiful. Such a time saver - especially for those of us in early / launch stages where time and resources are precious.
Ziki | Creator | Notion Formulas Geek@ziki
"This is honestly a great product. Just tested the free version, and I love it. I was looking for an app that would allow me to create videos like that with minimal editing skills and couldn’t find one for Windows. This was exactly what I was looking for."
its very graceful and useful screen record tools
Rotenda Tshivhase@rotenda_tshivhase
Have been using FocuSee for a week now. Just like it, the screen recorder is super easy to use, slick and speedy.
Shunsuke Sakata@shun_skt_93
I usually use loom or arcade for the product video but must try this!
The SamurAI@samuraipreneur
"I use FocuSee myself, and couldn’t be happier about it. Saves me a lot of time, and the recordings gets very good 👍🏼"!
shivam srivastava@shivam_srivastava9
i just tried this tool and all i can say is "Amazing" so easily it is converting a normal screen video into a productive video hand off to the devs🙌
mori | Notionxマーケティング@morio_aa